El Capitan peak over Alice Lake.

Cascades near camp below Alice lake

Afternoon Storm building
This little thunderstorm was a harbinger of things to come and during the night we got hit with the real thing. At about 2am, we got to witness a short but frighteningly intense storm. With the first clap of thunder, I gathered my gear and sprinted to the lake. I shot three photos hoping to catch a nice ground strike but the bolts of lightening were so close and fat they completely overexposed my cameras sensor. When the rain started, it came in buckets and I ran for the tent too late. First the rain, then it hailed while lightening flashed constantly for about 15 minutes.

Lightening, rain and mist
I got several photos of cloud to cloud lightening as the storm rolled out the cirque and down the canyon. It's intensity died almost as quickly as it started. (click to enlarge)

Alice Lake at Dawn.
The next morning I woke up at first light to the sound of light rain falling on the tent. Disappointed, I listened for several minutes thinking I was out of luck on getting a photo, but When I unzipped the tent I was happily surprised.

Sawtooth reflection.
On the small lake below Alice Lake.